Bra Fittings with Alison O'Neill

As a trainer I (hostess Lauren Sprieser, USDF Gold Medalist and 34DD) see women in the wrong bra all the time, and it’s not just about pretty - it makes riders slouch, affects their balance, and can hurt their backs. And so when I read Alison O’Neill’s piece in COTH - https://www.chronofhorse.com/article/5-tips-for-a-better-fitting-bra - I knew I’d found a kindred spirit. So Alison will be joining us for two days of bra fittings on Friday, August 19 (10a-7p) and Saturday, August 20 (8a-4p).
Don’t laugh - this is one of those services I didn’t know I needed until I needed it. I thought I was in the right size bra, and Alison had me try a different size. Instantly more comfortable, better posture, and someone even asked me if I had lost weight. Huzzah!
Trust me - if you have boobies, this is a cannot-miss event. The right bra will help you sit the trot, treat your back pain, and look stunning in the saddle. Toss your skepticism aside and sign up. You will not regret it!
I expect Saturday to fill quickly, so if Friday is an option, please sign up for Friday. And come audit our rider biomechanics clinic over the weekend by signing up here!: https://www.striderpro.com/a/s4cIg7wAjUyaM5bl2aBxpQ
Organizer Notes
PLEASE indicate any time limitations when you sign up!
Friday Appointment
Saturday Appointment
Administrative Information
Ride Time: Appointment times will be emailed out before the event.
Change Policy: Changes are not permitted.
Refund Policy: No refunds.
Entry Option(s)
Secure Spot: Pay in full via STRIDER