Sporting Days Farm Schooling Show

❌❌ ❗❗ Please read the following instructions BEFORE clicking the "REGISTER NOW" button: ❗❗ ❌❌
❗ Ride times will only be scheduled for COMPLETE entries ❗
A Complete Entry for EACH show has:
1.) Rider, Horse (❗ Registered Name ❗) AND Trainer Info (Click for Trainer Fields under Horse info).
2.) Current Negative Coggins ❗ATTACHED❗ to your entry.
3.) Payment in Full.
4.) A completed Equine Waiver and Release form must be presented at the office/pavilion to receive your bridal number.
5.) ❗Extra SJ Rounds will be $35.00 if added "Day Of"❗
To fast track your entries, organize and edit them sign up as a Strider Member and complete your rider/horse profile.
Then all your required info auto transfers with entry!
Our Schooling is a Combined Test & Dressage Show wrapped into one. Enter the CT, the DS, both, or any combination thereof! Our schooling shows offer a casual environment with a great place for beginners and experienced horses and riders alike! As the season progresses our jump courses will become more challenging and heights will be progressively more at maximum.
Intro = USDF Intro Test B / Cross Rails
Starter = USEF Starter Test / Up to 2'3" Max
Beginner Novice = USEF BN A / Up to 2'7" Max
Novice = USEF Novice A / Up to 2'11" Max
Training = USEF Training A / Up to 3'3" Max
Modified = USEF Perliminary A / Up to 3'5" Max
Preliminary = USEF Preliminary A / Up to 3'7" Max
Select the "OTHER" option - Jump Only rounds are $35.00 for each round. Enter the level you would like to jump in the "Note To Organizer" section.
Individual shows will pin ribbons for places 1-8 in each division or class. Jump only rounds are not pinned.
Organizer Notes
ENTRIES: Closing date for entries is the Saturday prior to the show date. One entry per rider per horse. Completed entry, current negative coggins, signed liability release (Waiver), and full payment of fees must all be submitted/received at the same time or a $20.00 Incomplete Entry Fee will be added to each entry. Entries must be received by the closing date. Incomplete entries will not be considered entered and a ride time will not be scheduled. No stabling available. Riders hauling in need to be prepared to work off of their trailer. Entries may not be accepted if the show is full in which case your entry fee will be refunded in full.
LATE ENTRIES: Late entries will be accepted if space is available until the Thursday prior to the show date. A $15.00 Late Fee or Incomplete Entry Fee will be added if completed entry and/or entry fee are not received by the closing date.
CHANGES: Changes will be allowed at our sole discretion until the Thursday prior to the show and will be subject to a $20.00 Secretary/Office Fee. Once ride times have been sent out no changes will be allowed. To request a change please email sdaikenht@aol.com
REFUNDS: No refunds will be given after the closing date; however, you may substitute another horse or rider and a $20.00 Secretary/Office Fee will be added. If the rider scratches before the closing date a refund will be granted less a $20.00 Refund Fee.
INCLEMENT WEATHER, ILLNESS. ETC.: Inclement weather, illness, etc. are not grounds for a refund (after the closing date) nor will entries be transferred to a different show date. If the show is cancelled by the organizer it is at the sole discretion of the organizer if any compensatory action is to be taken.
Combined Test*
- Extra SJ Round $30.00
Dressage Show
- Extra Dressage Test $45.00
- Late Fee$15.00
- Secretary/Office Fee$20.00
- Incomplete Entry Fee$20.00
- Refund fee$20.00
Administrative Information
Ride Time: Ride times will be posted on our FB page 12 hours prior to the start of the show.
Trailer Direction: Enter the property through the Competitors Entrance an d follow signs to Competitors parking.
Change Policy: Changes are not permitted.
Refund Policy: Refunds are permitted before registration closes.
Entry Option(s)
Secure Spot: Pay in full via STRIDER