
NOVAWE October WE Fun Show

Northern Virginia Working Equitation (NOVAWE) is pleased to invite you to our October Working Equitation Fun Show at Frying Pan Farm Park (FPFP), in Herndon, VA. All classes will be held in the Indoor. Show is from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

Judge: Kimberley Hillyer (PA)

This event is a fun show with Ease of Handling (EOH) and Speed classes first, followed by a FUN SHOW in the afternoon for all ages! Prizes and/or ribbons will be awarded by class. There will be no overall Champions or Reserves since there are no dressage classes. Since it the weekend before Halloween, costumes for you and your horse are welcomed and encouraged! Costumes can be worn all day or part of the day.

Entries to the morning classes are limited because of the time it takes to do the EOH. Intro is limited to 8 riders and Novice is limited to 6 riders.

There will be Leadline and Youth EOH group classes on a shortened course!

EOH & Speed classes: Ribbons 1st - 6th
All Lead Line participants: prizes
Fun classes: prizes or ribbons

EOH and Speed classes are $25 each.
Leadline and Youth EOH & Costume classes are $10 each.
Fun Classes - $15 each or $50 for all fun classes- You can scratch any fun class that you don't want to do on the day of the show. If you select ADULT FUN SHOW-ALL CLASSES, please do not select individual classes in the list.

Stabling is available on Saturday for $40. This includes the $15 stall cleaning fee. No tack stalls at this time.

You can order shavings from FPFP by selecting how many bags you want below.

No refund after the Closing Date.
If you scratch or withdraw before the Closing Date, you will receive your entry fee and stabling fee minus a $10 Office Fee.

All horses from out of the state of Virginia must present a CVI or Certificate of Veterinary Inspection.
All horses must have a negative Coggins test within one year of 10-23-22.
All participants must sign a release for NOVAWE and for Frying Pan Farm Park.
If you have already signed the two releases for 2022, you do not have to submit them again.
You can upload the releases to Strider or email them to novawe.blowry@gmail.com.

Organizer Notes

**IF YOU ENTER A NOVICE CLASS, please indicate in the Notes to Organizer box which level you want: Novice A or Novice B.**

For a complete entry:
-Payment in full.
-Upload current Coggins and signed releases to this STRIDER program or email copies to Biddie Lowry.
-If you have already signed a FPFP release and/or NOVAWE release this year, you do not need to send in another one.
-You can add more fun show classes on the day of the show with a check or payment to PayPal.

If the level you are interested in is full, complete "Wait List" form on Strider.

The EOH and Speed classes follow USA Rules for Working Equitation (www.usawe.org).

MEDIA RELEASE: By entering a Northern Virginia Working Equitation (NOVAWE) sponsored event, I agree that as a condition of and in consideration of acceptance of entry, NOVAWE may use or assign photographs, videos, audios, cablecasts, or other likenesses of me and my horse taken during the course of the event for the promotion, coverage, or benefit of the event or NOVAWE. Those likenesses shall not be used to advertise a product and they may not be used in such a way as to jeopardize amateur status. I hereby expressly and irrevocably waive and release any rights in connection with such use, including any claim to compensation, invasion of privacy, right of publicity, or to misappropriation.

Intro: EOH


Intro: Speed


Novice A or B: EOH


Novice A or B: Speed


Horse Stall for Sunday


Leadline EOH


Leadline Costume Class


Adult Fun Show - all classes


Adult Costume Class


Simon Says


Egg & Spoon


Tear Away (crepe paper)


Garrocha Pole Race - Trot Only


Garrocha Pole Race - Canter Only


Shavings for Stall - 1 bag


Shavings for Stall - 2 bags


Administrative Information

  • Ride Time: Schedule will be emailed to riders by the Wednesday before the show.
  • Trailer Direction: Please follow the GPS directions to Frying Pan Farm Park Equestrian Center, NOT to the Visitors Center.
    Bumper Pull trailers can park behind the Indoor or with the larger rigs in the lower parking lot.
  • Change Policy: Changes are not permitted.
  • Refund Policy: Refunds are permitted before registration closes.
  • Entry Option(s) Secure Spot: Pay in full via STRIDER