MDA Membership - 2024
Join or renew your Maryland Dressage Association (MDA) membership for 2024.
Please sign 2024 Waiver at link below. This only needs signed once per year.
Maryland Dressage Association (MDA) is a nonprofit organization developed to promote, encourage, educate and participate in the art of classical and western dressage, working cooperatively with local, state and national organizations in matters of common concern.
Our objectives include, but are not limited to, the following:
• educate and create opportunities for its Members and other interested parties (including other organizations), to develop skill and excellence in dressage.
• encourage and reward excellence in performance, horsemanship and sportsmanship.
• encourage, promote and conduct exhibitions, shows, clinics, seminars and other educational events designed to develop the potential of rider and horse.
Membership in MDA is open to all persons or organizations interested in the sport of dressage.
The Membership categories are as follows:
A. Senior - Individual who has reached their twenty-first (21) birthday as of December 1 of the previous calendar year.
B. Junior/Young Rider - Individual who has not yet reached their twenty first (21) birthday as of December 1 of the previous calendar year.
C. Family-** When selecting a Family Membership, please list all names in the notes to the organizer.
1. The MDA Membership year begins December 1 and ends November 30th.
2. Dues will be established annually.
3. New Memberships received after October 1st will go towards Membership for the following year (December 1 – November 30)
4. Existing Member dues for renewal must be paid by December 1 or membership will be automatically terminated.
5. Each Member is entitled to one vote at all General Membership meetings.
6. Membership rights and privileges shall include:
A. eligibility to vote in the election of Officers/Board Members and on any other matter presented to the Membership for approval.
B. eligibility for election to the Associations Executive Board (after one year of Active Membership).
C. eligibility for awards and trophies presented by the Association.
D. eligibility to participate in all educational activities, shows, clinics, programs, entertainments, discussions and meetings held or presented by the Association; and
E. USDF Group Membership.
Organizer Notes
Additional Member (Family Membership, per person)
Administrative Information
Change Policy: Changes are not permitted.
Refund Policy: No refunds.
Entry Option(s)
Secure Spot: Pay in full via STRIDER