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Dressage Today's Virtual Dressage Show

9/16/2020  −   9/30/2020
Open: 09/16/2020
Organizer: Dressage Today dressagetodayvirtualshow@gmail.com

Dressage Today is excited to bring you our next Virtual Dressage Show! While a virtual show isn’t a new concept, we feel it’s right in line with our core mission, which is to educate. Once again, we’ve teamed up with USEF “S” Judge Margaret Freeman who will judge the classes and provide each rider with their test sheet and detailed feedback. Plus, we've added a premium offering ... a "Test Consultation" in which entries will receive a 30-minute, one-on-one phone consultation with our judge..

Good luck and have fun! Special thanks to our sponsor HorseTech for providing prizes!

For complete details about rules, FAQs and how to video your test, visit DressageToday.com.

General Information
Entry Period: The entry period is from September 16-29, 2020 and results will be posted by October 2. This means that you must submit your online entry, payment and test no later than 11:59 PM on September 29. *SPACE IS LIMITED TO THE FIRST 40 ENTRIES

How to Enter: You must submit your entry and payment online through STRIDER. You must include a YouTube link of your test video within the online entry form (include it in the "Note to Organizer" box) or you must email the YouTube link to us at dressagetodayvirtualshow@gmail.com no later than 11:59 PM on September 29. Please be sure to include your first and last name with your video link if you choose to submit it the link through email. Please see the section below on how to record your video.

•Classes 1, 2, 3: $25 per test (plus $2.99 data-entry fee; 5% charge-card merchant fee).
•Class 4: Test of Any Level (Intro-Grand Prix) Plus Consultation: $100 per ride (plus $2.99 data-entry fee; 5% charge-card merchant fee). Your entry and payment must be submitted through STRIDER.
ªClass 5: Noncompete Test of Any Level (Intro-Grand Prix) and Eventing Dressage Tests Without Additional Phone Consultation: $25 per test (plus $2.99 data-entry fee; 5% charge-card merchant fee).

Classes Offered:
*Riders can only enter 1 test per class; No Para or Freestyle classes at this time.
Class 1: USEF Training Level, Test of Choice
Class 2: USEF First Level, Test of Choice
Class 3: USEF Second Level through Fourth Level, Test of Choice
Class 4: Premium Class/Test Consultation (submit test/ride and receive a 30-minute, one-on-one phone consultation with the judge)
Class 5: Noncompete Test of Any Level (Intro-Grand Prix) and Eventing Dressage Tests Without Additional Phone Consultation (If you submit as a noncompete ride, let us know what the approximate size of the arena is so that the judge can provide you with accurate feedback.)

Note: The term "test of choice" indicates that you may choose which test of a particular level you would like to ride.

1. The cost for classes 1, 2, 3 and 5 is $25 per test (plus $2.99 data-entry fee; 5% charge-card merchant fee). The cost for the "Test Consultation" is $100 per ride (plus $2.99 data-entry fee; 5% charge-card merchant fee). Enter and pay here.

2. All uploaded videos must not have been previously reviewed by other judges at past or present shows.

3. Test must be ridden in a standard 20- x 60-meter space marked with cones or fencing. If you do not have a standard arena, you may submit your ride as a non-compete entry so you can receive feedback. If you submit as a noncompete ride, let us know what the approximate size of the arena is so that the judge can provide you with accurate feedback.

4. Videos of tests must be one continuous filming; unedited from start to finish.

5. You must submit your video via a YouTube link, either within your STRIDER online entry form (include it in the "Note to Organizer" box) or you may email the link to us separately at dressagetodayvirtualshow@gmail.com no later than 11:59 PM on September 29.

6. If the judge determines that the horse appears lame, the judge has the right to excuse the ride and not continue scoring. Judge will make notes on the score sheet indicating their observations.

7. Horses and riders are required to abide by standard equipment rules for dressage as outlined by the USEF. You acknowledge that, by submitting your entry, you agree to abide by standard rules of fair play and for the welfare of the horse.

8. You must wear an ASTM/SEI-approved helmet.

9. Violation of any of these rules may result in the refusal to accept the entry or non-refundable scratch.

10. We will make every effort to judge this class fairly with the knowledge that there are inherent challenges to judging online shows that make it different from the real-life experience.


Step 1. Using a phone or video camera, have a helper video your ride from Letter C, ideally in an outdoor arena/field during the daytime. For best results, the camera should be held horizontally but should not be facing into the sun. An indoor or covered arena may be used if the lighting is good—the better the lighting conditions, the better you will look. Make sure the sound is turned ON.

Step 2. Prior to entering the ring, your videographer must show a cell phone displaying the date and time. Without stopping the video, speak into the camera stating your name and your horse’s name, the level and test you are riding and then continue, without editing (no stop and starting) into the arena.

Step 3. As soon as the test is finished, the camera must circle the horse and rider showing the sides of the horse, spurs and the bit.

Step 4. Upload your video to YouTube (you can choose to make your video private within YouTube) and include the link within your online entry through STRIDER (include in the "Note to Organizer" box) or email the YouTube link to dressagetodayvirtualshow@gmail.com after you have completed your online entry form. If you choose to submit your link through email, please be sure to include your first and last name.

Have more questions? Visit DressageToday.com for complete details, rules, instructions on how to record your video and answers to FAQs. You can also email dressagetodayvirtualshow@gmail.com.

Organizer Notes

Have more questions? Visit DressageToday.com for complete details, rules, instructions on how to record your video and answers to FAQs. You can also email dressagetodayvirtualshow@gmail.com.

Class 1: USEF Training Level Test of Choice


Class 2: USEF First Level Test of Choice


Class 3: USEF Second-Fourth Level Test of Choice


Class 4: Noncompete Test of Any Level (Intro-GP) Plus Consultation with Judge


Class 5: Noncompete Test of Any Level + Eventing Tests


Administrative Information

  • Change Policy: Changes are not permitted.
  • Refund Policy: No refunds.
  • Entry Option(s) Secure Spot: Pay in full via STRIDER