{GOLD} 2024 Taproom Thursday Summer Schooling Evening at Waredaca

Come out to Waredaca to enjoy our TAP ROOM THURSDAY Schooling Evenings Series!
Sponsored by the Waredaca Brewing Company.
Come visit the Tasting room when you are finished!
Join us for any or all of our dates!
5.9 | 5.23 | 6.13 | 6.27 | 7.11 | 7.25 | 8.8 | 8.22 | 9.12 | 9.26
The emphasis of our Schooling Evenings is a relaxed experience for you and your horse!
YOU design your evening — do as much as you want…it is as easy as that!
Riders can select from Dressage Ride-a-Test, Jumping Schooling Rounds and Cross Country Schooling all in one evening!
**Different portables and questions will be arranged for each evening on our xc. Course***
✅Dressage RIDE A TEST: Choose any test you wish. WRITE DETAILS - test & ring size needed - in the Note To Organizer. Each entry receives a judged test with written comments, scores and a 1 on 1 with your judge to assist in your progress - $40
--add a second test for $40 (must register in advance on Strider to enable scheduling with judge)
✅Show Jumping Rounds: $40 includes the first two rounds at any height -2 round minimum.
Add additional rounds with an open check or cash payment at show -$12 each additional round
✅Cross Country Schooling: $58/horse or discounted to $48 if also show jumping;
**Different portables and questions will be arranged for each evening on our xc course***
⏰ To secure a ride time:
1.) SIGN our Waredaca waiver: https://waredaca.com/waiver
2.)ATTACH your Coggins + Waredaca waiver to online STRIDER entry by specified deadline.
➜Riding dressage? Specify your dressage test in your Note to Organizer.
3.) 💳 PAY the FULL AMOUNT required online via Strider. You can easily pay on Strider with Venmo, credit/debit card or PayPal. We require payment in full prior to assigning ride times.
Each successful Waredaca entry will see a STRIDER confirmation # on screen & an emailed receipt from STRIDER. No email = we did not get your payment/entry.
Entry Deadlines:
➜Dressage by MONDAY @ NOON the week of schooling
Specific times for Dressage will be assigned and emailed Wednesday evening.
➜Jumping by WEDNESDAY BY NOON the week of schooling.
Jumping Block times will be based on registrations and emailed later Wednesday evening.
⏰Jumping Block Schedule ⏰
Height Approximate Time (may be adjusted depending on entries)
2’0 or lower upon request 3:30 PM
2’3 4:00 PM
2’7 5:00 PM
3’0 6:30 PM
3’3 7:10 PM
3’6+ 7:40 PM
➜If you would like to do two rounds at different heights, please select one height and say which second height you would like in Notes to Organizer.
➜If you would like to jump higher than 3'6" please select 3'6" and say what height you would like in Notes to Organizer.
Waredaca is a full service equestrian facility located in the Laytonsville area of northern Montgomery County, Maryland (outside of Washington, DC).
Our facility features excellent outdoor jumps, arenas, a spacious indoor arena, and a well regarded cross country course.
Organizer Notes
• Required--vests, medical armband or bracelet and grounds person to accompany you if schooling cross country afterward.
• EMT, VET and Farrier ON CALL
• All horses must have a current negative Coggins to be filed electronically.
• Email: schoolingshows@waredaca.com with any questions.
- In the case of inclement weather we will make a decision by noon Thursday.
If we cancel everyone will be able to move their entry to the next schooling evening. Refunds minus non-refund processing fees will only be issued if we cancel and move is not feasible.
If we run and you choose not to attend it will be considered a scratch.
SJ 18"
SJ 2'0"
SJ 2'3"
SJ 2'7"
SJ 2.11"
SJ 3'3"
SJ 3'6" & higher
XC Only, No SJ
XC Add On (if also Participating in SJ )
Administrative Information
Ride Time: Specific times for Dressage will be assigned and emailed by Wednesday Noon
Jumping Block times will be based on registrations and emailed later Wednesday evening
If the weather is questionable, all riders will be emailed by 12 noon on the day of IF the schooling evening is cancelled. No email, it's on!Trailer Direction: Parking is in the normal location- in the field at the corner of Damascus and Howard Chapel
Change Policy: Changes are not permitted.
Refund Policy: No refunds.
Entry Option(s)
Secure Spot: Pay in full via STRIDER