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NOVAWE Dressage (WE) Fix-it-Test with Mary Flood at Wildfire Farm

Join us to practice your Working Equitation (WE) Dressage Tests. Mary Flood, Business Partner of NOVAWE, has donated the use of her facility for this event. Depending on the weather, tests will either be in the indoor or the outdoor, both with great footing. Riders will be able to warm up in the arena not being used by the event. All tests will be done in a 20 x 40 meter arena.

Each rider will be allotted 30 minutes with Mary Flood. Rider will ride the WE dressage test of choice, receive a mini lesson from Mary to improve the test, then ride the test again. Rider will receive two scored dressage test sheets so improvements can be seen. If test is in the indoor, rider will have 5 minutes to warm up in the indoor before starting test.

USAWE Rules allow for rider to have a reader in Levels 1-3. If you want a reader, please bring one with you. Copies of the dressage tests can be found on https://usawe.org/rules/ or on https://novawe.org/novawe-information-documents/.

Mary Flood is owner/trainer at Wildfire Farm in Lovettsville, VA where she has been teaching and training all types of riders, including both dressage enthusiasts and serious dressage competitors, for over 40 years. Working Equitation (WE) sparked her interest when many of her students also began participating in NOVAWE. Mary is a U.S. Dressage (USDF) Certified Instructor and USDF Bronze, Silver, and Gold Medalist. Read more about Mary Flood by going to: https://novawe.org/2020/12/23/spotlight-wildfire-farm-and-mary-flood/

Although WE Dressage is slightly different from USDF Dressage, we feel like the opportunity to practice the WE dressage and be judged by an experienced Dressage trainer should provide invaluable insight into your training and better prepare you for the dressage portion of a WE schooling or Rated Show.

Please use all necessary Covid-19 precautions by wearing a mask around others and maintain social distancing. Please download the Wildfire Farm Release and the NOVAWE Release forms, sign, and bring them to the event. Please email your horse's current Coggins to Mills Smith at supersonicmule@gmail.com/

Organizer Notes

-This Fix it Test Event is organized by NOVAWE.
- Please email Mills Smith, Event Secretary, a copy of your horse's current Coggins (within one year of show date.)
- Download, print, and sign releases from both NOVAWE and Wildfire Farm. Please turn these in when you check in for the Fix-it-test on May 16th.

-Stabling is not available at this venue.

Level 1 Intro: Dressage


Level 2 Novice A: Dressage


Administrative Information

  • Ride Time: Ride Times will be emailed on Thursday, May 13, 2021 and posted on Facebook in the NOVAWE Public Group and the NOVAWE Members' Group.
  • Trailer Direction: There is a circular driveway at Wildfire Farm. Drive around the driveway and park behind the next trailer that you see. There will be a volunteer to help guide you.
  • Change Policy: Changes are not permitted.
  • Refund Policy: Refunds are permitted before registration closes.
  • Entry Option(s) Secure Spot: Pay in full via STRIDER