Liz Halliday Sharp 3 day clinic

Open: 07/10/2021
Late entries allowed until 11/18/2021
Organizer Docs | Prize List?
This clinic was such a hit the first time we decided to do it again! Liz Halliday Sharp 3Day clinic hosted by Show Me Equestrian at the beautiful Windridge Farm! Private 30 min dressage lessons on Friday (limited availability), Saturday show jumping/gymnastics day, and Sunday CrossCountry schooling. Levels starter/Maiden (2’-2’3), Beginner Novice (2’3-2’7) Beginner Novice/Novice (2’7-2’11), Novice (2’11), Training (3’3), Modified/Prelim (3’5-3’7). Limited to 6 riders per group. RV hookup, stalls and cabins available on site. Stalls must be stripped, or pay stripping fee.
Organizer Notes
Refund only before close date
Dressage lesson on Friday 30min
Starter/Maiden 2 day (Sat&Sun)
Beginnier Novice 2day (sat&sun)
Beginner Novice/Novice 2day (sat & sun)
Novice 2day (sat&sun)
Training 2day (sat & sun)
Modified/Prelim 2day (sat &sun)
1 day audit
2 day audit
3 day audit
Weekend stabling (Fri-Sun) must strip
RV Hookup 2 nights
Tack stall (must sweep out)
Stall stripping service
Cabin rental 2 nights with twin over full bunk bed and full bath
RV Hookup 1 night
Administrative Information
Ride Time: Sent via email
Change Policy: Changes are permitted before registration closes.
Refund Policy: Refunds are permitted before registration closes.
Entry Option(s)
Secure Spot: Pay in full via STRIDER