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"Bridle and Bit Fitting.jpg"

Bridle and Bit Fitting with Stephanie Brown-Beamer

Organizer: Carmen Fagnani 5182312368

FREE Webinar hosted by ENYDCTA.

Learn how to fit your bridle to your horse, find a bit that works well, and learn helpful tricks for riding.

2:30-3:30 PM on 4/21 on Zoom. RSVP on STRIDER and link will be emailed

You can find more details on Stephanie Brown-Beamer and Horse by Horse, LLC here:

Organizer Notes



Administrative Information

  • Trailer Direction: Eastern New York Dressage and Combined Training Association (ENYDCTA) had a busy schedule of educational events planned for the 2020 season, including dressage, jumping, and cross country clinics, unmounted seminars, and a recognized dressage show. With New York State now under a stay at home mandate through at least May 15, the board of ENYDCTA has worked hard to develop ways to stay connected and continue providing educational and fun opportunities to its membership, which has proven to be of even greater importance as most riders are forced to take a pause from their riding goals and may not even be able to see their horses. ENYDCTA has developed a diverse list of virtual meetings for the membership, and is excited to announce a Bit and Bridle Fitting Webinar on Tuesday April 21 at 2:30pm. ENYDCTA will welcome Stephanie Brown-Beamer from Horse by Horse as our guest speaker for this educational event. Stephanie is an FEI rider and trainer, USDF “L” Graduate, and Lantra Certified individual. Stephanie will share her knowledge about bit and bridle fitting with a general overview, as well as how to retrofit your bit and bridle. This is a free webinar, and anyone registered will receive a link to log in to the virtual clinic (check your spam folder if you don’t receive one after registering). Please consider visiting At that website, you can also view the other upcoming virtual opportunities that are being offered, or follow ENYDCTA on facebook to stay up to date. Although we all wish we could be riding and gearing up for another great show season, the ENYDCTA board is striving to make the most of the current situation and keep riders sane, connected, and learning until we can get back to doing what we love!
  • Change Policy: Changes are not permitted.
  • Refund Policy: No refunds.
  • Entry Option(s) Reserve Spot Via STRIDER, Mail Check