
Hopeful Horse Trials, Combined Test, and Dressage Show

Organizer: Lisa Morse lmorse97@icloud.com 509-432-4859

See description of levels at paradisecreek.ponyclub.org

PC = Pony Club in the level description

Tentative Time Schedule
Friday, June 28th
2pm Move-in available for Hopeful competition (if not already on grounds for Prep) Office open for Hopeful packet pick-up, Cross Country course open for walking
5pm Dressage show tests followed by horse trials tests

Saturday, June 29th
8am Dressage begins (2 arenas); run from highest (Training through Green as Grass) and
Dressage Schooling Show tests
1pm Stadium Jumping (SAND arena); run from highest down (Training to Green as Grass)
CT jumping at end of each equivalent HT division. Proceed directly to XC start after SJ.
1:30pm Cross-Country Jumping; run from highest down (Training to Green as Grass)
**Awards at Cook Shack approximately 30 minutes following the end of each division

Schedule changes and ride times will be sent to the email address provided on the entry form, and on paradisecreek.ponyclub.org

Awards: HT: Ribbons to 8th, prizes to 3rd. CT: Ribbons to 8th, prizes to 1st. Dressage Tests: Ribbons to 5th. Check paradisecreek.ponyclub.org for info.

Rules: Current USEF & USPC Rules for Eventing will be followed, though some latitude will be made for the unrecognized event. Ask organizer if you have specific questions.

Lead Riders: Lead riders for cross-country are intended for the assistance of inexperienced riders (i.e. D1 and D2 level Pony Clubbers) in the Starter and Green as Grass divisions. Lead riders may or may not be available for all riders requesting them (bring your own?) we will do our best to provide a fun and safe experience for our new event riders! Leads are intended for green riders, not green horses.

Refunds &Pinneys: Before the closing date, less $10 (office fee). After closing date, less $25, and only upon receipt of veterinarian or medical doctor’s note. Non-returned pinney fee: $25.

Starting Times: Approximate start times available on-line Monday, June 24th -- Final start times on grounds Friday, June 28th at 2pm. Call (208) 877-1381. Check: paradisecreek.ponyclub.org

Directions & From the west; Deary, Idaho is 30 miles east of Moscow, ID on Highway 8. Pony Club grounds 3 Terrain: miles east of Deary (on HWY 8) on the N side of the highway. Look for signs. Physical address is: 5420 Highway 8, Deary, Idaho, 83823. Wooded, rolling hills.

Accommodations: Camping on grounds, no hook-ups. Hotels available in Moscow, ID. One camping unit (fee) included with each stabling payment. Additional camping fee is $10/unit per night.

Stabling: Nearly all stalls are 12x12 pole stalls (not covered) on grounds. $20/night, or $10 for daily haul-in (day stall may be available – check with secretary). Check in at office for stall assignments. Bedding not provided, and please only shavings (no straw) if bringing your own.

Concessions: Check website for updates – there is a plan in progress!

Other: An interstate certificate of veterinary inspection (Health Certificate) is required for travel between Idaho, Oregon & Washington, as well as a current EIA (Coggins) test. Brand Inspections are HIGHLY recommended. Please bring your horse paperwork with you to camp. Due to recent outbreaks, we may require emailed proof of vaccination prior to arrival on grounds. Check emails from the secretary or organizer leading up to the event.

NO VAPING, SMOKING, or MARIJUANA use on the grounds.

Motorized vehicles only driven by licensed drivers, and not allowed on XC course or some signed areas.

** Non-Pony Club Members: Must complete the USPC release form before riding on the grounds.

Organizer Notes

Check ParadiseCreek.PonyClub.Org for updates!

Open Training (Non-PC member)


Open Training (PC Member)


Open Novice (Non-PC Member)


Open Novice (PC Member)


Beginner Novice (Non-PC Member)


Beginner Novice (PC Member)


Starter (Non-PC Member)


Starter (PC Member)


Green as Grass (Non-PC Member)


Green as Grass (PC Member)


Training Combined Test (Non PC)


Training Combined Test (PC Member)


Novice Combined Test (Non PC)


Novice Combined Test (PC Member)


Beginner Novice Combined Test (Non PC)


Beginner Novice Combined Test (PC Member)


Starter Combined Test (Non PC)


Starter Combined Test (PC Member)


Green as Grass Combined Test (Non PC)


Green as Grass Combined Test (PC Member)


Ground Poles Combined Test (Non PC)


Ground Poles Combined Test (PC Member


Dressage Test (Dressage Schooling Show -- specify test below)


Dressage Test (Dressage Schooling Show -- specify test below)


Dressage Test (Dressage Schooling Show -- specify test below)


Dressage Test (Dressage Schooling Show -- specify test below)


Stabling (Friday Night to Saturday)


Additional Overnight Stabling


Daily Haul-In (if not paying for stabling)


Additional Camping Units (one dry camping "spot" comes with the entry)


  • Refund fee$10.00

Administrative Information

  • Ride Time: On our club website (as above)
  • Trailer Direction: Directions & From the west; Deary, Idaho is 30 miles east of Moscow, ID on Highway 8. Pony Club grounds 3 Terrain: miles east of Deary (on HWY 8) on the N side of the highway. Look for signs. Physical address is: 5420 Highway 8, Deary, Idaho, 83823.
  • Change Policy: Changes are permitted before registration closes.
  • Refund Policy: Refunds are permitted before registration closes.
  • Entry Option(s) Secure Spot: Pay in full via STRIDER