LVDA Presents: "Let's Ride the 2023 Dressage Tests" Symposium w/ Jeanne McDonald and Jim Koford

This educational opportunity is being presented by the Lehigh Valley Dressage Association.
--Please email support@striderpro.com if you have any problems completing payment online. We require payment in full prior to scheduling.
1. Applications to be a rider should be completed here. Submit all the requested horse information when completing your registration form. Riders must apply by midnight March 1, 2023. Incomplete and late applications will NOT be accepted.
2. Rider must submit video link of any test ride at the level they are applying for or must show movements that are included in the level to which they are applying. The test shown does not need to be one of the 2023 tests. The video may be at a competition or at home but must be an unedited test from start to finish. Videos longer than 8 minutes will be discarded. Video must be submitted online to YouTube or similar site. Send video link to Mo Swanson jmswanson@erols.com
Please include the name of the level and test for which you are applying as part of your email to Mo. Also include in your email:
Rider name:
Horse's name:
Horse's breed:
Horse's age:
How long have you been riding this horse?:
What level are you currently competing?
What level are you currently schooling?
Rider Status:
What dressage test/level are you interested in riding in this clinic?
Submit a short horse and rider biography, including horse's pedigree if available.
3. Each rider will have a 20-minute session as part of an hour-long segment for each level. We would like 2 one-hour sessions for both training and first levels, and 1 one-hour session for each level 2nd-4th. Each rider will ride one test of the level, receive feedback from the instructors and work on movements that the instructors identify. There will be time allowed for questions and answers for the clinicians from the auditors and the riders. Your payment of $50 will be applied as your auditor fee if you are not chosen as a rider.
4. The selection criteria will include: gaits, and harmony of horse and rider. We do not expect perfection- auditors and riders can all learn from not perfect rides, and these clinicians are kind and supportive in their instruction. Please make sure your video is high quality with the horse easily visible and shot with a steady camera. Poor quality video could adversely affect your selection. The final approval of horses and riders will be by LVDA committee members. Rider selection should be completed no later than March 7, and selected riders will be notified right away.
5. One guest/groom per rider will be able to audit at no charge. Lunch will not be included for the groom/guest. Lunch and drinks will be available for the riders. Snacks and water will be available for auditors and grooms.
6. A few stalls for the day of the event may be available by reservation, first come, first served. $30 per stall, including bedding but they will need to be stripped by the rider afterwards.
Organizer Notes
If you are applying as a rider, please include the level and test that you would like to ride. Follow the instructions to apply.
Administrative Information
Change Policy: Changes are not permitted.
Refund Policy: No refunds.
Entry Option(s)
Secure Spot: Pay in full via STRIDER