Loch Moy Spring Fling Dressage 2 (Sunday)

Come to Loch Moy Farm in 2025 for our USEF/USDF Licensed Dressage Shows, held throughout the year at our quality, beautiful facility in Adamstown, MD. We offer a quiet, welcoming and friendly environment for your showing needs.
USEF/USEF Recognized Dressage Shows will be held on:
• Saturday, April 19 (Level 3) – Judges: Fran Kehr (S-TX), Kem Barbosa (S-NJ), Dinah Babcock (S-TX)
• Sunday, April 20 (Level 3)– Judges: Fran Kehr (S-TX), Kem Barbosa (S-NJ), Dinah Babcock(S-TX)
• Saturday, May 31 (Level 3)– Judges: Louise Koch (S-CA); David Schmutz (S-CA), Heather Stalker (S-FL)
• Sunday, June 1 (Level 3)– Judges: Louise Koch (S-CA); David Schmutz (S-CA), Heather Stalker (S-FL)
• Saturday, August 2 (Level 2)– Judges: Beverly Rogers (S-AZ), Dolly Hannon (S-CO)
• Sunday, August 3 (Level 2)- Judges: Beverly Rogers (S-AZ), Dolly Hannon (S-CO)
🔹Online entry via STRIDER preferred🔹
To streamline your entry, create a FREE Strider account & take advantage of their FastEntry service. ***By using FastEntry, all your USEF/USDF member numbers, horse documents, and SafeSport information will automatically populate each time you enter a Loch Moy Farm show, ensuring a complete entry.** ➥ https://info.striderpro.com/fastentry
🚩 🚩For a complete entry, be sure to INCLUDE/ATTACH🚩🚩:
1.) The Rider/Owner/Trainer & Horse USEF/USDF numbers
+ EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBER in the space provided.
2.) Your USEF Waiver and Release of Liability (signed!)
Sign now, then attach PDF to entry: https://info.striderpro.com/ewaivers/loch-moy-md-usef-usdf-entryagree
3.) Your USEF Entry Agreement (signed!)
Sign now, then attach PDF to entry: https://info.striderpro.com/ewaivers/eem-loch-moy-dressage-md-state-usef-waiver-release
4.) Your USEF Horse Vaccination Record dated within 6 months of the show date.
5.) A Negative Coggins dated within one year of the show date. The horse's name + Year of Birth on entry form must be the same as on the Coggins report and USEF / USDF documentation. Date of Coggins is date blood was drawn.
6.) Any Additional Info:
-- • Your Horse's TIP # on entry form if you wish to participate in the Thoroughbred Incentive Program
-- • A copy of Qualifying Test for Musical Freestyle
🔹 Fees automatically added to entry 🔹
• $35.00 Processing Fee per entry.
• $23.00 USEF Federation Fee per entry. (Includes $15 for Drugs and Medication Fee and $8 Federation fee)
If STABLING for the weekend, add weekend stall/tack stalls to Saturday entry. Be aware that there is a $50 muck fee deposit required for EACH stall, INCLUDING tack stalls. This fee is requested at check in : CHECK or CASH. This will be returned to you if stall is cleared by stable manager/show staff.
Level 3 Licensed Dressage competition are Qualifiers for:
2025 GAIG/USDF Regional Championship, 2025 CBLM Championship, 2025 FEI North American Youth Championship, 2025 USEF Children Dressage National Championship, 2024 USEF Pony Rider Dressage National Championship, 2025 Adequan/USEF Brentina Cup Dressage National Championship, 2025 Markel/USEF Young and Developing Horse Dressage National Championship, 2025 USEF Intermediare I Dressage National Championship, 2025 USEF Grand Prix Dressage National Championship, 2025 Adequan/USEF Para Dressage National Championship, 2025 FEI World Breeding Championships for Young Horses in Dressage (Five, Six, and Seven Year Olds).
Level 2 Licensed Dressage competition are Qualifiers for:
2025 GAIG/USDF Regional Championship and 2025 CBLM Championship
(2025 USEF Entry Form. If sending paper entry - Remit to Shannon Bossung, 138 Red Bud Loop, Harpers Ferry, WV 25425. Checks payable to Loch Moy Farm)
Organizer Notes
Organizer Notes
Official Qualifying Competitions for:
• 2025 Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Dressage Championships (note: USDF Fee changes - Qualifying Fee $20)
• 2025 Colonel Bengt Ljungquist Memorial Championships
• Online entry via STRIDER preferred!
• Please attach/include with your STRIDER entry:
• • USEF Vaccination Record (Flu/Rhino) Required with entry dated within 6 months of the show date. USEF - GR845
• • Negative Coggins dated within one year of the show date. Horse name and birth date on entry form must match Coggins report and USEF / USDF documentation. USEF GR 907.3
• •• EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBER in the space provided.
• $35.00 Processing Fee per entry. (Automatic Fee)
• $23.00 USEF Federation Fee per entry. (Includes $15 for Drugs and Medication Fee and $8 Federation fee) (Automatic Fee)
• A copy of Qualifying Test for Musical Freestyle
(2025 USEF Entry Form. If sending paper entry - Remit to Shannon Bossung, 138 Red Bud Loop, Harpers Ferry, WV 25425. Checks payable to Loch Moy Farm)
Classes Offered:
• Intro – FEI Grand Prix, Materiale, Dressage Seat Equitation, Musical Freestyles, Junior, YR, Pony, Para-Equestrian, FEI Young Horse, Brentina Cup, USEF National Championships Qualifier Class plus Opportunity classes
• An additional $20 fee is required if Qualifying. (Select appropriate class number with a "Q" and the Qualifying fee is factored in. ie: for Training Level Test 3 select class number "103Q".
• Individuals entering this competition do so with the agreement that they have read the OFFICIAL PRIZE LIST and agree to follow all the class specifications, requirements and conditions in the OFFICIAL PRIZE LIST
• Management reserves the right to return entries that are incomplete or inaccurate.
• Stabling: Weekend stalls $150, Day Stall $75. MUCK FEE DEPOSIT OF $50 REQUIRED FOR ALL STALLS (CASH OR CHECK ONLY). Stalls must be stripped and swept clean prior to departure. Shavings $12/bag preordered
Campers: Limited # of electric hook-ups around stabling for campers: $50/night. Shower facilities
available on grounds.
• Food: Limited menu breakfast and lunch
*PONY MEASUREMENT: If ponies are entered and are in need of a measurement card, an appointment for measuring MUST be made with show management at least ten days prior to the show. The owner will be responsible for any costs associated with performing the measurement. We are offering Pony classes each day, and ponies must have a measurement card to compete in those classes.
• Test Versions: Current Editions of USDF Intro, USEF Training – Fourth Level and any FEI tests will be used.
• Class and Judge Changes: Management reserves the right to split, combine, delete, or add classes. Management also reserves the right to add or substitute judges or make any changes required by circumstances.
• Management reserves the right to cancel any classes due to hazardous weather, Acts of God, accident, or emergency. Every effort will be made to reschedule with priority given to Qualifying classes. No REFUNDS for cancellations due to hazardous weather, Acts of GOD, accidents, or emergencies.
• DOGS: All dogs must be leashed and attached to a human or an immovable object.
Arena Footing and Arenas:
• Warm-up Arena: One 220’ x 550’ outdoor arena with all weather footing.
Lunging Area: One 200’ x 220’ outdoor arena with all weather footing.
Competition Arenas: Three or four 20m x 60m outdoor arenas with all weather footing.
ALL riding, lunging and exercise is permitted only in designated rings.
Times & Office hours:
• The show office will be open 1 pm - 7 pm on Friday, one hour before start of show until the end of show each day.
• Phone number during the show 703 - 431 - 5663
• Provisional Ride Times will be posted at www.https://themarylandhorsetrials.com/loch-moy-farm/ and Horse Show Office by Wednesday the week prior to the competition date.
• Official ride times will be posted at 12 noon Friday, the day before the show. Classes may be scheduled out of order.
• Dressage classes must be run in their entirety.
201. Training Level Test 1
202. Training Level Test 2 (CBLM)
203. Training Level Test 3
203Q. Training Level Test 3 (GAIG/USDF Q)
2-IA. Introductory Test A
2-IB. Introductory Test B
2-IC. Introductory Test C
23. Dressage Seat Equitation
41-O. OPPORTUNITY Training Test 1
42-O. OPPORTUNITY Training Test 2
211. First Level Test 1
212. First Level Test 2 (CBLM)
213. First Level Test 3
213Q. First Level Test 3 (GAIG/USDF Q)
221. Second Level Test 1
222. Second Level Test 2 (CBLM)
223. Second Level Test 3
223Q. Second Level Test 3 (GAIG/USDF Q)
231. Third Level Test 1
232. Third Level Test 2 (CBLM)
233. Third Level Test 3
233Q. Third Level Test 3 (GAIG/USDF Q)
241. Fourth Level Test 1
242. Fourth Level Test 2 (CBLM)
243. Fourth Level Test 3
243Q. Fourth Level Test 3 (GAIG/USDF Q)
251. FEI Prix St Georges
252. FEI Intermediate I
253. FEI Intermediate II
254. FEI Grand Prix
251Q. FEI Prix St Georges (GAIG/USDF Q)
252Q. FEI Intermediate I (GAIG/USDF Q)
253Q. FEI Intermediate II (GAIG/USDF Q)
254Q. FEI Grand Prix (GAIG/USDF Q)
255. FEI Grand Prix Special
256. FEI Test of Choice
256Q. FEI Test of Choice (GAIG/USDF Q)
261. USDF Musical Freestyle TOC
261Q. USDF Musical Freestyle TOC (GAIG/USDF Q)
262. FEI Musical Freestyle TOC
262Q. FEI Musical Freestyle TOC (GAIG/USDF Q)
263. Pas De Deux TOC
270. Pony Only TOC
270Q. Pony Only TOC (GAIG/USDF Q)
271EF. FEI Junior Individual Test (NAYC/USEF Q)
273EF. FEI Young Rider Individual Test (NAYC/USEF Q)
275EF. FEI Pony Individual Test (USEF Q)
276EF. FEI Children Individual Test (NAYC/USEF Q)
281. FEI/USEF Young Horse TOC (practice)
283EF. FEI Young Horse Test for 5YO Final (WBC/Markel/USEF Q)
272FEF. FEI Junior Freestyle Test (NAYC/CBLM Q)
274FEF. FEI Young Rider Freestyle Test (NAYC/CBLM Q)
284EF. FEI Young Horse Test for 6YO Final (WBC/Markel/USEF Q)
285EF. FEI Young Horse Test for 7YO Final (WBC/Markel/USEF Q)
286EF. FEI YR Grand Prix Test (USEF Q)
282EF. USEF Young Horse Test for 4YO (Markel/USEF Q)
290EF. FEI Intermediate I (USEF/CBLM Q)
288EF. USEF Developing Prix St Georges (Markel/USEF Q)
289EF. USEF Developing Grand Prix (Markel/USEF Q)
290EFQ. FEI Intermediate I (USEF/USDF/GAIG/CBLM Q)
291F. FEI Intermediate I Freestyle (CBLM Q)
292EF. FEI Grand Prix Special (USEF Q)
293FQ. FEI Grand Prix Freestyle (USDF/GAIG/USEF/CBLM Q)
294EF. FEI Para Intermediate B TOC (USEF Q)
297FEF. FEI Para Grand Prix Freestyle TOC (USEF Q)
293F. FEI Grand Prix Freestyle (CBLM Q)
296EF. FEI Para Grand Prix Test B TOC (USEF Q)
634. Materiale Fillies 3YO
635. Materiale Mares 4 & 5 YO
636. Materiale Colts/Geldings 3YO
637. Materiale Stallions/Geldings 4 & 5 YO
295FEF. FEI Para Intermediate Freestyle TOC (USEF Q)
293FQ. FEI Grand Prix Freestyle (CBLM/GAIG/USDF QCBLM Q)
291FQ. FEI Intermediate I Freestyle (CBLM/GAIG/USDF Q)
- Late Fee$50.00
- Office Fee$35.00
- USEF Drug/Medication fee (per horse)$23.00
- USDF Non-Member Fee (Rider)$55.00
- USDF Non-Member Fee (Owner)$55.00
- Non-Competing Horse$30.00
- Haul In Fee$30.00
- Weekend Stabling$150.00
- Day Stall$75.00
- Shavings per bag (preordered)$12.00
- RV/Camping $50.00
- Post Entry Fee$50.00
- Full Stabling$150.00
- Day Stall$75.00
Administrative Information
Ride Time: Provisional Ride Times will be posted at www.https://themarylandhorsetrials.com/loch-moy-farm/ and Horse Show Office by Wednesday the week prior to the competition date.
Official ride times will be posted at 12 noon Friday, the day before the show. Classes may be scheduled out of order.Trailer Direction: DIRECTIONS:
From Washington D.C.: Approximate distance: 40 miles: From Route 495, take Route 270 North, towards Frederick. Continue on Rt. 270 N, approximately 26 miles, to Exit 26 for Route 80 West, Buckeystown/Urbana. Turn right off the exit ramp, circling under Rt. 270 and continue on Rt. 80 W, approximately 1.5 miles to Park Mills Road on the left. Turn left onto Park Mills Rd. and continue straight for approximately 5.8 miles to the entrance on the right.From Baltimore, MD: Approximate Distance: 45 miles: From Route 695, take Route 70 West toward Frederick. Continue on Rt. 70 West to Exit 54, Frederick, Route 85 South. Turn right off the exit ramp onto Rt. 85 South. Continue straight on Rt. 85 South for approximately 7-8 miles to Lily Pons Road on the left. Turn left onto Lily Pons Rd. and continue to the stop sign. Turn right onto Park Mills Rd. and continue straight for approximately 1.8 miles to the entrance on the right.From Frederick, MD: Approximate distance: 10 miles: Take Route 15 South and follow as it becomes Route 270 South. From Rt. 270 South, take Exit 31B for Buckeystown and Route 85 South. Continue straight off the exit ramp on Rt. 85 South for approximately 5-6 miles to Lily Pons Road on the left. Turn left onto Lily Pons Rd. and continue to the stop sign. Turn right onto Park Mills Rd. and continue straight for approximately 1.8 miles to the entrance on the right.From Charles Town, WV: Approximate distance: 30 miles: Take Route 340 West towards Frederick, Maryland. Follow signs to Route 270 South for Washington, D.C. Continue on Rt. 270 South to Exit 31B for Buckeystown, Route 85 South. Continue straight on Rt. 85 South for approximately 5-6 miles to Lily Pons Road on the left. Turn left onto Lily Pons Rd. and continue to the stop sign. Turn right onto Park Mills Rd. and continue straight for approximately 1.8 miles to the entrance on the right.From Leesburg: Approximate distance: 19 miles: Take Route 15 North towards Maryland and the Potomac Bridge. Cross the Potomac Bridge into Maryland and turn right at Clay Street/MD Route 28 . Continue on Rt. 28 East for 4.7. Turn right to stay on MD Route 28 towards Rockville. Go 1.5 miles. Turn left at Park Mills Rd. Go 1.2 miles. The Event site and Schooling course are on your leftFrom Philadelphia, PA: Approximate distance: 150 miles: Take I-95 South towards Baltimore. At Baltimore, take 695 West for Towson/Frederick/Route 70 West. Take Route 70 W towards Frederick. Proceed to Exit 54, Route 85 South towards Buckeystown. Turn right off the exit ramp onto Route 85 S and proceed approximately 7-8 miles, through Buckeystown, to Lily Pons Road on the left. Turn left onto Lily Pons Rd. and continue to the stop sign. Turn right onto Park Mills Rd. and continue straight for approximately 1.8 miles to the entrance on the right.From Pittsburgh, PA: Approximate distance: 200 miles: Take I-376 East to I-76 E towards Rt. 70 and Baltimore. Take Rt. 70 E for Baltimore/Washington, D.C. Continue on Rt. 70 E to Rt. 85 in Frederick, Maryland. Take Exit 54, Rt. 85 South towards Buckeystown. Turn right off the exit ramp onto Rt. 85 S and proceed approximately 7-8 miles, through Buckeystown, to Lily Pons Road on the left. Turn left onto Lily Pons Road and continue to the stop sign. Turn right onto Park Mills Rd. and continue straight for approximately 1.8 miles to the entrance on the right.Change Policy: Changes are permitted up to 12 day(s) before registration closes.
Refund Policy: No refunds.
Entry Option(s)
Secure Spot: Pay in full via STRIDER