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Open: 02/01/2023
Organizer: Waredaca Staff korizzo@smcm.edu

Waredaca is excited to host its 2023 Summer Derby Cross series! SPEND THURSDAYS AT WAREDACA! WITH OUR TAPROOM SERIES’ OF FUN ACTIVITIES!
JUNE 29 🔹 JULY 13 🔹 AUGUST 31

What it is: A course of show jump and cross-country fences set in the field with the goal to jump clean and inside the optimum time. Riders can enter as individuals or as a team (up to 5 riders per team).
Simply write your Team Name on the Strider Entry Form in the "Team" field.
This will be a fun, constructive outing designed to support a positive horse/rider experience.

Levels offered: Elementary (2’3’’) through Training (3’3’’).
Teams will show jump at 2’3’’ and then each rider chooses what height they want to jump at each cross-country numbered obstacle.

To enter: Enter via strider by noon the Monday before each derby. WE FILL EARLY- DON'T DELAY!
Entry fee: $60 per rider

REQUIRED FOR A COMPLETE ENTRY (& to get a ride time):
✅ All registration done in advance via STRIDER
✅ All riders must have protective head gear, vests, emergency bracelet
✅ All horses must have a current negative Coggins attached to STRIDER entry

🏆 Prizes!
1. Prize for the top Hunt Club Team at the end of the series (must enter at least 2 out of 3 derbies)
2. Prize for the top Pony Club Team at the end of the series (must enter at least 2 out of 3 derbies)
3. Note – points will be awarded based on final placing at each derby (10 pts for 1st, 6 pts for 2nd, 3 pts for 3rd, 1 pt for completing the course but not placing)
4. Note – teams must be made of the same riders for points to count (horses can change)"

💯 Scoring:
1. The rider or team closest to optimum time wins.
2. Individual divisions will be placed through 6th. Teams will be placed through 3rd.
3. Refusals and circles on course just add to rider’s time. No additional jumping fault penalties are added to final score.
4. Rails down will result in 4 seconds of time added/subtracted to rider/team time based on if they are below or above optimum time.
If below optimum time, 4 seconds is subtracted. If above optimum time, 4 seconds is added.

Organizer Notes

Rules for Individuals:
1. Riders must jump only the fences at their entered level and jump them in order.
2. If a rider has a refusal at a xc fence, they may choose to school a lower-level fence at that number before re-approaching the judged fence.
3. Four(4) refusals on course is cause for elimination. Rider may be allowed to school additional fences at the discretion of the judge.

Rules For Teams
1. All riders must jump each fence before the team continues to the next fence.
2. Riders on a team must jump fences in a line following one another, no jumping in tandem. They may choose to change the order of their line at any time.
3. All riders on a team will jump show jumps at 2’3’’. They may then choose what height xc fences they jump along the course at each numbered obstacle. (example… at xc fence 6, rider 1 may choose to jump Novice while rider 2 jumps BN and rider 3 jumps T)
4. Time starts when the first rider crosses the start line and stops when the last rider crosses the finish line.
5. If a rider on a team cannot get over any of the options at a numbered fence after 3 attempts, they may go around the fence and continue to the next fence with their team. The team will be eliminated but may continue on course for schooling purposes.

General Info:
1. If the weather is questionable, all riders will be emailed IF the schooling evening is canceled by 12 noon day of. .
2. Casual boots, breeches, polo or other conservative shirt, and protective headgear with harness are required.
3. Park in the corner parking field
4. Check-in @ Indoor Arena Corner Office
5. Time requests will be considered but not guaranteed.
6. Dogs welcome, but must be leashed at all times.
7. EMT, VET and Farrier ON CALL
8. 🚰Bring your own water.
10. Any questions: Email Katherine korizzo@smcm.edu




Derby Levels
Beginner Novice

Administrative Information

  • Ride Time: Ride times and optimum times will be posted to waredaca.com the Tuesday before each Derby date. Courses may be walked on the Derby date only. Please yield to riders on course when course walking.
  • Trailer Direction: Parking is in the normal location- in the field at the corner of Damascus and Howard Chapel
  • Change Policy: Changes are not permitted.
  • Refund Policy: No refunds.
  • Entry Option(s) Secure Spot: Pay in full via STRIDER